Sunday, December 19, 2010

Year-long Food Storage Plans

With the New Year approaching we are all resolving to do things (lose weight, exercise more, get out of debt, etc).  Hopefully many of you are planning to get more food storage.  I have scanned some hand outs I gave that break down food storage into weekly or monthly goals.  Look them over an decide which one meets your desire, budget and needs.

$5 a Week Food Storage
This one is a bit old, so it's probably more $5-$10 a week, but a good start point all the same.  This is only food storage for 1 person for 1 year.

Weekly Food Storage Purchasing Plan
The prices per week will vary on this one, but if you want to start stocking up in a slow and steady pace this will keep you on track.  The trick is you determine how much you need.  When it says "peanut butter", you buy what you think your family will need for a year or you buy a few extra just to get the ball rolling.  

 There was a third handout I am still attempting to convert to virtual.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?--Matthew 5:13
What does this scripture mean to you?  How are you salt?  And what does it mean to lose your "savour"?  We each are called as members of the church to live His gospel, to share His gospel here on this earth.  We are the flavor added to the mortal experience of others.  And if we don't do this who else will.  The same can be said for your food storage.  The modern prophets have called us to fill our lives and shelves.  If we don't do it for ourselves, no one else will.   As we continue in this Christmas season it is important we remember Christ is the reason for all our actions.  Even food storage is related to Christ.  He called us to flavor the world with either that message or another of His loving messages.  Either way we must add that spice to life, because no one else can live our mortality for us.

And for those who wondered you should get 6-8 lbs per person per year for your long-term food storage

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wheat Grinders for Christmas

It seems that wheat grinders are received and given as Christmas presents.  Probably because they are something most of us wouldn't usually buy ourselves.  At least I've never bought myself a wheat grinder --it's always been a gift.  I shared the following hand out with some basic info on the prices and differences between some wheat grinders for your reference.

 Wheat Grinder Comparison

There is also a page after the comparison chart that give you some wheat basics.