Thursday, July 15, 2010

Water Storage

In the summer we all get dehydrated and we all become clearly aware how important water storage is, especially here in the heat of UT.  Below are some basic answers to questions you might have about water storage.

How much?   1 gallon/person/day for 2 weeks = 112 water bottles/person
In what?      Clean and sanitized food-grade containers or PETE plastic (the big blue barrels or soda bottles --not milk jugs)
How Long?    Until expiration for commercially packed
Or refill every 6 months for other containers
Purification?  Clarify then Boil, Bleach or Filter --tablets and filters are available at preparedness stores and camping stores.

I know that blue barrels go on sale at Macey's each year during their caselot sale.  I believe that falls in March and October. 

This water would be used in emergencies not just for drinking but also for some sanitation purposes (depending on how desperate things are)